
How Rugged Laptops Provide Safe Computing

29th Jun 2015

Everyone knows that electricity and water do not mix. It is also common knowledge that electronics do not hold up very well in temperature extreme locations. So how can you have safe computing when yo … read more

Rugged Toughbooks | Outlast Competition

26th Jun 2015

When it comes to choosing a new laptop how do you go about your decision? Do you purchase a computer that can handle amazing graphics? Are you looking for a laptop with lightning fast processing speed … read more

Laptops & Humidity Don't Mix | Learn More

2nd Jun 2015

Laptop owners are always concerned about particles and fluid when it comes to their electronics. Spilling any liquid or dropping crumbs can ruin the way in which a laptop operates. Due to the fact tha … read more

Fickle Weather? | Military-Grade Toughbooks

27th May 2015

Weather is one of the main concerns for men and women that work outdoors. The difference between sunshine and rain can determine what type of electronics they can use on the job. Trying to complete wo … read more